Wednesday, November 01, 2006


*Editors Note - Inspired by Jenn

I love routines. They give order to my life and allow me to "think" I am accomplishing something. They do help me to get things done in an orderly fashion. But...sometimes they seem!

I find myself changing in life. While my daily routine (what I do in the morning, what I do when I get home, what I do before I go to bed, etc) can be comforting, I find myself wishing for something different. I have begun to examine my life and, having thought alot about retirement lately, I am wondering if this "is all there is". I have plans for retirement (church volunteerism, travel, relaxation, reading, learning to play piano, learning to play guitar, writing, spending time with you-know-who - :). But there are things I have not done and up until now, quite frankly, have not been really interested in: going to the ballet (WHAAA!!!), going to some of the movies with Amy that she wants to see (FLINCH!!), learning to fish again (gotta get over that sea sickness), becoming more involved in local politics (maybe this is a mistake), and a few other things that do not come to mind at this time. Maybe I'm just learning to be more mellow. For sure i'm rambling.

What are your thoughts? Share with me.


Jackie said...

Having a plan and knowing that plan . . man, is there anything more comforting? I hate waking up and not being sure of what's coming. But gimme a list? It all cool then. Like heaven, right?

Amy said...

I'm right there with you, man - let's go for it! As much as I rebel in my own way against your routines, I do find security and comfort in knowing - knowing - that you are exactly what you are and do exactly what you do. It keeps me balanced. Thanks!

Dana said...

I am most definitely your daughter when it comes to the routines! Especially the morning ones!

And as far as the whole trying new things and mellowing out, I just have one thing to say - You, me, and the San Antonio Symphony does Looney Toons! WOO HOO!

Anonymous said...

Man, I live by my routines. They are the sky and the dirt to me. I live somewhere in the middle.

Anonymous said...

i just have to say that i am soooo glad that you are here with us; both in the hear, speak, touch, smell world and here in the read, write world!!!
i am with amy--don't plan much but i do fine comfort in the routines that are there--Saturday hamburgers at grandma b's sunday lunch with patty and paw-paw, Friday lunch with the i'm hungary! :) luvyaman!

The Johnsons said...

Dad playing the piano - I don't know why that makes me smile...