Thursday, February 08, 2007

HiHo! HiHo! It's Off To Work I Go! *

* With apologies to the Seven Dwarfs.

Dana was writing about how her job can be so all consuming and overwhelming. Been there, done that, designed and wore the T-shirt! There have been times that work was the be all and end all of my existence. Not that work was more important but I made it the most important thing that I did. I let it take over every other aspect of my life. I am ashamed to say it was over my wife and kids and even those times that I took a day off. I actually felt guilty about taking time off for me or the family, even if I had the time off coming.

I don't beieve that I ever whistled going to work but in some demented way I really enjoyed getting up and being productive. I now see work as a means to an end, something that will help me get to where I am going. I have learned to seek balance in my life and not let my employment take me over. I see it as what I do for 8 hours (10 counting the commute and lunch) just so I can support the rest of my life financially.

The most important thing in my life is church and my relationship with God and His people. Even though I do not spend more time during the week doing "church work" than I do "on the job", it is definitely a better quality use of my time and effort. In many ways my secular employment has helped prepare me for what I do for God. I have been blessed so much by God since I reevaluated my life and placed church #1.

So, Dana, do not let work overtake you. It will only cause you pain in the long run, I promise you. Find the balance in your life that God affords you. Wake up every morning and think that since you are walking upright and able to take a deep breath, you are blessed beyond measure. Each day has it's challenges and they should be welcomed and met head-on. Just don't let them "take you out".

Just some random thoughts. What do you think. Share with me.

1 comment:

jenn said...

wow, what a great consession of thoughts there! thanks for the perspective you have on that issue.

i have heard countless times how friends will tell you that your children are just like you OR that when your kid does or says something, they hear or see you...well, i'm a little backwards and dyslexic. and with the foremost reason being that i knew her first, but there are many times that i listening to your or reading your blog and i see dana! and the wonderful qualities that i admire in her, i admire in you!